Simples, vertes et durables : 7 idées cadeaux pour Noël - Daily flowers

Simple, green and sustainable: 7 gift ideas for Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and this period of confinement makes the care devoted to interior decoration precious. What if you surprise your loved ones by offering them lively and original gifts that will bring a touch of green to their home? Here are 7 suggestions for a Christmas under the sign of the urban jungle.
The suspensions

The trend is to green interiors and the benefits of this urban jungle are multiple: plants are decorative, soothing and breathe life into apartments. The suspensions participate in the creation of this universe. They make it possible to energize the interior decoration while saving space! Find an atypical suspension or make it: in fabric, crochet, wood, let your creativity speak.

hanging plants

An original cachepot

Personalize your gift by offering a plant in an unusual flowerpot: repainted tin can, terracotta receptacle customized with mosaic tiles, covered in fabric, etc.

A planter of aromatic plants

The urban jungle invites itself to the kitchen! Combine the useful with the pleasant by offering a planter of aromatic plants decorated with small signs for fresh herbs at your fingertips.

aquatic plants
Why limit aquatic plants to aquariums? Place them in a glass jar at the bottom of which you have slipped gravel, and fill the jar with water at room temperature. Our decoration advice? Place this arrangement by the window, on a shelf or in a bathroom with a window. Originality guaranteed.

Your entourage does not have a green thumb? Cacti are ideal. Of various shapes and sizes, they are aesthetic and easy-to-live-with indoor plants: no need for watering in winter!

A recycled vase
Among our decoration tips, here is the one that highlights recycling. Thus, many customized containers can be transformed into a one-of-a-kind vase: dress your glass bottles with metallic paint, unearth old earthenware milk jugs, or even prick your flowers directly into a mini squash cut in half to a 100% vegetable composition!
A Daily Flowers plant

The easiest way is also the safest! Choose from our selection of indoor plants the one that will please you and have it delivered to your home for free.

Want to give a houseplant as a gift? No problem ! We also deliver during the holiday season.

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